Find class advice, professor spotlights, study tips, and everything you need to know about being a student at GW here in the Academics sections.
The Current Politics of American Education

Since President Donald Trump’s entrance into office in January, he has signed 53 executive orders. One executive order that President Trump is preparing with his team is to dismantle the Department of Education (DOE).
How a Second Trump Term Will Impact You

Following the recent presidential election, many young people, especially here at GW, are feeling a heightened sense of fear and uncertainty.

The Advantages of Having a Commonplace Book
Have you ever wondered how to record your life or make it a little more intellectual? There may be a simple solution…..

Study Tips Inspired by the Founding Fathers
During midterm season, students at George Washington University find the study habits that work best for them. Education is a long-standing institution in the United States and some of our founding fathers were also once students studying for exams. Read more to learn about modern day study tips that reflect the work habits seen from founding fathers.

The Advantages of Having a Commonplace Book
Have you ever wondered how to record your life or make it a little more intellectual? There may be a simple solution…..
These Are the Most Toxic College Majors (According to GW Students)
By Megan Krueger Most of us have a list of red flags that we look out for in other people. If we’re being honest, we all have our own personal red flags that we like to warn others about, too. But have you ever wondered if your college major is one of them? Well, I…
Essential Self-Care for Finals Week
By Megan Krueger The end of the semester is finally upon us, and let’s be honest—no one is prioritizing their health right now. But in this season of stressing over upcoming exams and praying that you’ve achieved a passing grade on your final papers, there has never been a more important time to prioritize your…
The Epidemic of Malnutrition in College Students
By Kendal Furman (Assistant Editor-in-Chief) As college students, it’s perfectly acceptable to reach for the occasional packet of ramen or to pick up a second (or even third) cup of coffee on the way to class. However, when students begin to turn to nutritionally deficient foods on a daily basis, poor eating habits can easily…
Stressed with Midterms? Try Music For Your Stress!
By Sam Danzig With midterms quite literally upon us, it is vitally important that students have some way of managing their time, stress, and the endless number of assignments that they seem to have. It can be overwhelming to commit to long study sessions with few breaks, but what’s something that can calm me down…
Gender Inequality Reversed–A Deep Dive Into The College Gender Gap
By Kendal Furman, Academic EIC WHAT IS THE COLLEGE GENDER GAP? Efforts to expand access to higher education for women began in the 19th century with the 1839 opening of Wesleyan College in Georgia. This revolutionary institution served as the first women’s college in the world, as well as the first college in America that…
Checking in with our correspondent abroad!
By Grace Eberts, EIC It’s been about a month and half since we last heard from Gen, our GW Local correspondent abroad in Madrid. She has been busy soaking up her experiences and making the most of her time in Spain. Traveling Since we last talked, she has visited Amsterdam and Valencia for weekend adventures.…
Stop Pushing Off Sleep
By: Claire Leibowitz, Lifestyle Editor-in-Chief Sleep is always the first thing cut from an overbooked schedule – it’s seen as dispensable. Why has this become normalized? A lack of sleep has extreme consequences on the body, both immediate and long term. It’s more productive to straighten out a sleep schedule than stay up finishing an…
Student Org Spotlight: Business Pride Network
By: Grace Eberts (EIC) The Business Pride Network (BPN) is a student organization here at GW focused on building a community at the intersection of LGBTQIA+ issues and the business world. Kate Dressel is a Junior studying Business Analytics and Finance in GWSB and is the president of BPN. You may recognize BPN from their…
Fall Trends Spotted Across Campus
By: Tessa Barbeau As autumn quickly approaches, GW students are beginning to transition from clothing to accommodate hot and humid weather to the comforting styles that accompany brisk, windy weather. As the new season rolls in, so are new trends across campus. Here are some of the top trends spotted around Foggy Bottom. Although the…
Manage Your Time With Tomatoes
By Lucy Gardner Procrastination: my biggest enemy. Since coming to college, learning how to manage my time has been a challenge to say the least. Collegiate-level work is already daunting, but as more assignments are posted and workloads begin to pile up with miscellaneous tasks, it can easily become overwhelming. I used to shut down,…
A Kennedy Center Freebie- The Millennium Stage
By Claire Leibowitz The Millennium Stage at the Kennedy Center sits in the Grand Foyer and offers free shows to appreciate the arts between Wednesdays and Saturdays at 6 pm. The first-come, first-serve shows are packed; viewers fill rows and rows of seats and spill onto the red-carpeted stairs adjacent to the stage. Tickets can…
Random Elective Roundup
By Caroline Dehn, AEIC As someone who has changed their major maybe one too many times, I am an advocate for taking elective classes outside of your field of study to broaden your horizons and maybe find a new passion along the way. For STEM majors, I highly recommend taking a random liberal arts course,…
Your Inside Look to GW Abroad
By Grace Eberts (Editor in Chief) Are you thinking about going abroad during your time at GW? While many students expect to go abroad during their time in college, it can be hard to know if it is the right decision for you. Whether this is because of finances, academic credit, or just the fear…
Fascinating Holiday Traditions from Around the World
Source: By Kendal Furman I don’t know about you, but I take a great deal of pride in celebrating the holiday traditions that I grew up with. I’ve found that these wintery customs have helped me get more in touch with my culture, while also having loads of fun bonding with my loved ones!…
How to get what you want from GW: Personalizing your experience
By Sophia Sasson I recently petitioned the psychology department to add an elective course from a different department to my major. Let me start off by saying it was not an easy process. Though eventually successful, when I started the process over the summer my CCAS advisor discouraged me from even trying. They had seen…
GW Org Spotlight: Hurdle Health
Source: By Krista Minas GW is home to many organizations on campus, and another amazing one has just been added: Hurdle Health. The GW Local has the inside scoop from Chief of Staff of Hurdle Health, Anam Zahra, on what the organization does, its goals, the impact its founders hope to make on the…
@GW_Affirmations Brings Laughter To The Community
By Caroline Dehn If there’s one thing every GW student can relate to, it’s the feeling that sometimes all you can do is laugh through the tough times. Often, it feels like something new and more wild happens each week. As a way to bring smiles and laughs to the GW community, an account on…
Mid-Semester Fatigue Getting You Down? Here are 5 Ways to Stay Organized During Midterms
By Evelynn Schoenthal For half of the current students on campus, this is their first semester in-person. Despite frequent changes and an unpredictable world, college students have persevered and adapted. However, students have forgotten how to learn, study, and take exams in person over the past year and a half. (P.S. I know I constantly…
Passing a Class (When You’re Underprepared)
By Alexandra Savage It’s the first day of class, and you’re walking towards a lecture that you’re a little unsure about. Maybe you’ve heard the class is difficult, or the professor is a harsh grader. Perhaps you simply don’t understand the subject material. Either way, you walk into the lecture hall and it seems like…
Thoughts from the Class of 2021 on GW’s Virtual Commencement
By Caroline Dehn, EIC Academics On March 11, the GW administration released a statement declaring that the 2021 commencement ceremony will be virtual again this year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the university faculty came to the conclusion that an in-person graduation would be unsafe for the students and staff involved. Though this decision was…
GW Freshmen and How They’re Tackling Finals
By Evelynn Schoenthal The past year uprooted everyone’s lives and drastically changed ways of life due to COVID-19. From wearing masks wherever you go, to staying inside, to working and learning from home everyone has had to acclimate to an extent. However, the impact this pandemic has had on the class of 2024 specifically has…
Students Reflect On Navigating College Online
By Allie Cohen From Thailand to Georgia to D.C. students are beginning to wrap up another online semester. While some students have moved to D.C. and across the DMV area to gain some sense of normalcy, others remain at home – some of whom are halfway across the country or world. Equally as scattered as…
Org Spotlight: Active Minds GW
By Grace Eberts This semester marked the launch of an Active Minds Chapter at George Washington University. Previously known as GW HERO, there was a need for a revamping and rebuilding of the mental health student organization at GW. Active Minds GW emerged as an opportunity to draw on the larger resources of a national…
New Org Spotlight: Un-PAC
By Alex Teerlinck Earlier this month, H.R. 1 was brought to the House Floor. Seeking to expand voter participation, reduce the influence of big money in politics, and implement long-term anti-corruption measures, the reform measure would counter GOP efforts of voter disenfranchisement. Voting rights and a democracy free of big money influence are essential to…
Kamala Harris: Redefining Normalcy As Vice President
By Kaleigh Werner, EIC Lifestyle Photo courtesy of A panel of Black women in journalism discussed how Vice President Kamala Harris’ race and gender is being singled out as the primary topic of discussion surrounding her in her new role. The four journalists spoke on Wednesday, February 24th at 7 p.m. EST at the…
Charles Aborisade Runs for GW SA Presidency
By Caroline Dehn, EIC Academics Disclaimer: The GW Local does not endorse candidates, but rather gives them a platform to share their beliefs Charles Aborisade is a junior at GW and the current Student Association Finance Chair. Along with being a member of the Student Association, Aborisade is a member of the GW chapter of…
The Fight for Diversity and Inclusion: Professor Perspective
Seriously… why do we have to fight for this sh*t? By Parisa Akbarpour This semester, I’m taking an anthropology course called Language in Culture and Society, which is taught by Professor Alexander Dent. Prior to the first day of class, our homework was to listen to Toni Morrison’s award speech in 1993 for the Nobel…
Professor Spotlight: Shaina Ward & The Media Law Class You Didn’t Know You Needed
Have you ever thought about the laws that govern some major politicians’ online statements? Or the words and footage used by some of the largest corporations? How about the laws that govern commercial speech towards consumers? Or the practices in which journalists gather information? As we live in a media and technology driven time, so…
A Professor Who Does it All: Jesse Holland
By Carly Novell, EIC News Professor Jesse Holland last visited campus during his final interviews in February of 2020. In his second semester at GW teaching from his basement, Holland anticipates an eventual return to the traditional classroom environment for his Advanced News Writing classes. After over 20 years in the journalism field and four…
The Class of 2021 In Their Words
By Davis Burton Man plans and God laughs… And so it went for the Class of 2021, currently set to graduate in the midst of an era that will be remembered as the most tumultuous in generations. To state the obvious: the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in the early weeks of 2020 marked the…
The GWL 2020 Finals Guide
By Caroline Dehn, EIC Academics My fellow GW students, finals are here. Back to pulling all-nighters, chugging Starbucks lattes and cramming a semester’s worth of information into our brains in hopes of finishing the semester off strong. Though finals can be a stressful and emotionally draining time, we are here to help guide you through…
Fresh Face: Skincare Steps For Beginners
By Kaleigh Werner, EIC Lifestyle During the dead of winter it becomes really hard to feel good about yourself. You’re cold all the time, everything is dreary, the sun peers out for a total of 2.5 seconds, there’s no shot of getting a little less pale, and worst of all your face is breaking out.…
Org Spotlight: Left Middle Right
By Alex Teerlinck Although the election seems like it was ages ago, the polarization and division of American politics is not going away anytime soon. GW students are strong and confident in the world that they want to see, and sometimes conversations with our peers can feel like talking to a brick wall. While there…
Student Reactions To The New Pass/No Pass Policy
By Kaleigh Werner, EIC Lifestyle From the ongoing nightmare of classes transitioning to online platforms, effects are continuing to linger. Whether it be a pandemic, a monumental election, or the new GW pass/fail policy, we students continue to be bombarded with outstanding circumstances that have been taking away from our usual focus on school. When…
Change on Campus? Updates to the Special Committee on the Marvin Center Name
By Caroline Dehn, EIC Academics Image Courtesy of GW Today Since 2018, the colonial mascot as well as the naming of the Marvin Center have been brought to attention by the student body concerning their symbolism for colonialism and racism. The GW Board of Trustees recently confirmed a “framework of principles, procedures and considerations for…
Org Spotlight: Sunrise GW
By Alex Teerlinck Image Credit: Kariann Tan (Sunrise GW photographer) Staying connected with GW during a virtual semester is undeniably challenging, especially if you’re not in DC. Being together in our nation’s capital makes the GW experience what it is, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned as a student here; it’s that our passion…
Org Spotlight: Timmy Global Health
By Christiana Corporon With the start of a new semester comes new opportunities, new ideas, and of course, new orgs! With 400 student orgs and counting on campus, GW has something to offer for every student. In the midst of a global pandemic as well as a time of exceeding racial unrest, public health organizations…
Conversation with Professor Kip Lornell: Implications of Jessica Krug Incident
By Parisa Akbarpour Professor Christopher (Kip) Lornell has had an interest in African American music since high school. He began writing articles about blues musicians who ended up in his hometown of Albany, NY as a result of the Great Migration. He came to complete an undergraduate and masters degree in folklore and later a…
Embracing the Change: How to be Ok With a Virtual Semester
By Alex Teerlinck Many of you, like myself, probably took the news of GW going all online pretty hard. Ever since it was announced on July 27th, the day my private Snapchat story was spammed with complaints, I’ve been passing through a grief cycle — feeling fine one day and incredibly frustrated and helpless the…
The Online Class of 2024
By Caroline Dehn, EIC of Academics Just like politicians and mainstream media outlets say, we are living in unprecedented times—with the coronavirus pandemic, a new movement for racial equity, and climate emergencies igniting uncertainty across the world. As a result, us college students have a lot on our plates without a blueprint guiding us in…
Student Org Spotlight: CampaignGW
By Alex Teerlinck With everything gone virtual in the past few weeks, it’s important to remember what we were doing and what we were really passionate about at GW before quarantine. You should still feel encouraged to participate in your student orgs- oftentimes, you can make a difference from your couch (or wherever it is…
Everything I’ve Been Cooking During Quarantine: Part 2
By Maya Konings Hi everyone. I’m still here; still quarantined, and still cooking. As my state’s stay at home order extends on and my stress levels are exponentially building, spending time in the kitchen has been even more important for me as of late. My family has all been craving dishes that are hearty, comforting,…
Turning Conviction Into Action: GW Students Take Political Passions Off Campus
By Davis Burton As the 2020 General Elections begin to heat up, students at GW have a unique opportunity to turn their political convictions into meaningful action. GW, like many schools in the D.C.area, is known for its politically active student body. There is a high concentration of students studying Political Science, International Affairs and…
Org Spotlight: She’s the First
By Krista Minas Students at GW are lucky to have the opportunity to involve themselves in a variety of organizations on campus. In fact, GW has over 500 registered student orgs that they can choose from. One of these amazing organizations is “She’s the First,” an organization that focuses on the belief that all women…
Unplugging and Unwinding: How to Limit Quarantine Screen Time
By Alex Teerlinck In case you haven’t heard, we’re in the midst of a global pandemic. This is certainly an unprecedented time in our lives and it’s ok to feel confused, upset, and lost. While social distancing, one thing I’ve been struggling with is putting down electronics. Not just my phone, not just the news.…
Meet The Org: Best Buddies
By Carly Novell After growing up involved with the disabled community in her hometown, sophomore Alyssa Markopoulos felt there weren’t enough opportunities to connect at her university. When she began attending GW, she participated in a Best Buddies event and loved it, but the club didn’t stay active throughout the rest of the year. In…
Student Spotlight: Ashwath Narayanan, The Student CEO
By Tori Mandato Not many undergraduate students can say they’re the CEO and founder of a communications company. Ashwath Narayanan is an exception. Narayanan, though born in the US, lived in Southern India before coming to George Washington University to pursue politics and non-profit work. Here, the idea for Culture Media Co. was born. Culture…
Real Talk: College Burnout
By Alex Teerlinck Consider this the follow up to my midterm article – the season is now well upon us but just about everyone I’ve talked to is struggling to finish these ~demanding~ few weeks. Spring break is the light at the end of the tunnel, but it seems like we’ll never get there. I…
Reclaiming Our Renaissance: GW’s Black History Celebration
By Lauren Ofman, EIC 2020 marks the centennial anniversary of the Harlem Renaissance, a movement celebrating black culture – art, literature, and politics – that surged through New York City in the 1920’s. The anniversary’s intersection with Black History Month inspired sophomores Desi Warren and Bishop Walton, as well as the rest of their team,…
Student Org Spotlight: GW Alternative Breaks
By Alex Teerlinck This past winter, I went on a trip to Florida with the GW Alternative Breaks program to learn about food justice and farm worker rights. I won’t ramble on about the trip itself- it was both fun and educational, but the main focus of this article is Alt Breaks itself. As GW…
Do’s and Don’ts: Midterm Edition
By Alex Teerlinck The confusing and seemingly never-ending midterm season is upon us, and for a lot of us, it’s really stressful. Grinding out papers, studying for tests, keeping up with extracurriculars, and trying to get sleep all at the same time is enough to make anyone’s head spin. As someone who’s pretty much in…
Ask The Locals: How To Get Out Of A Rut
By Catherine Feisthamel With the craziness of the new semester starting to wind down, it’s easier to adopt a routine. Having a routine helps keep you organized and on track. However, sometimes, always sticking to your schedule can make everyday start to feel the same; a dull cycle. Like most college kids, it’s hard to…
A Guide for Friday’s Democratic Debate
By Daniel Okay Photo from NBC News The eighth Democratic debate, following the Iowa Caucuses (Feb. 3) and preceding the New Hampshire primary (Feb. 11) marks the first of three debates being held in February. Each debate marks the first three states voting during the primary season—Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. February 7th Debate Candidate…
Professor Spotlight: Alison Schafer, The Woman, The Myth, The LEGEND!
By Kaleigh Werner, EIC Academics I just want to take a minute to hype up not only this incredible educator, but the class that she teaches – Introduction to News Writing and Reporting! Imagine getting to class, sitting down, pulling out your laptop or your notebook (if you really like to pay attention), and then…
Ask The Locals: How To Deal With Messy Roommates
By Catherine Feisthamel Your dorm room is supposed to feel like home– no one should have to deal with the tension messy roommates bring to the room. While messy roommates make us want to yell and curse them out for not picking up after themselves, it’s important to approach the situation in a conscientious way…
Meet The Org: One For The World
By Tori Mandato Our campus is full of charitable organizations that students can get involved with. As current college students, it seems impossible for us to donate at this point in our lives. We have expenses and loans, which makes giving to charity not something the average student can budget for. I interviewed members of…
Battling the Elements: Combating Seasonal Affective Disorder
By Daniel Okay Short days, and frigid nights are ordinary parts of the winter, but as the season progresses, some students may especially struggle with their responsibilities—academic and otherwise. Seasonal Affective Disorder, commonly referred to as SAD (a fitting acronym), can be characterized as a mood disorder brought upon by seasonal changes in daylight. While…
How to *Realistically* Prioritize Your Mental Health This Semester
By Sophia Sasson Now that we are in a new decade, let’s take a moment to reflect on our mental health. Are we happy with how we handled last semester: grades, friendships, extra-curricular activities, relaxation, and self care? If not, how do we fix this? Here are 5+ ways to ensure a fantastic semester and…
Where To Study When Gelman Is Out of Space
By Brandon Wallace, EIC News With finals season upon us, studying in Gelman, as most of you know, isn’t exactly an easy task. Between evening reservations being booked days in advance and common spaces crammed with students trying to study, sometimes some other options are needed. In and around campus there’s a multitude of hot…
Student Spotlight: J Xu, The Man Behind GW Thrift
By Lauren Ofman, EIC J Xu was 16 years old when he walked into a thrift store with a 10 dollar bill and left with a Thomas Pink button–down shirt. When he got home, he looked up the price and learned that the shirt retailed for over $200.00. Now, he is the founder and CEO…
How Do I Declare My Major and Minor for CCAS? Well, Let Me Tell You My Experience.
By Kaleigh Werner, EIC Academics Last Wednesday started off like any other day, with the hopes of actually completing at least some of the things I needed to get done. Maybe it was the nice cold (actually ice cold) air blowing in my face on the way to my 9:35 class, but I was determined…
Student Spotlight: Larry Bialek, The 18-Year-Old Campaign Manager
By Bella DiRussa Lawrence Bialek, a sophomore planning to major in Business, Economics, and Public Policy, inspires peers as he is managing campaigns and paving the path to his political future. It seems as though it would be impossible to hold the position of ‘Campaign Manager’ for a Congressional Candidate, at the young age of…
Student Spotlight: Cate Twining-Ward, The Next Jane Goodall
By: Lauren Ofman, EIC Despite her upbringing as a Brooklyn city girl, Cate Twining-Ward has an undeniable connection to nature. She’s only a sophomore, but she has traveled to more countries than you can imagine. Last spring, Cate got the opportunity to travel to Sierra Leone, a country in West Africa to be a Photography…
Course Registration Tips
Registration for Spring 2020 classes starts next week! Check out to see when your registration date is. Here are a few little tips to ease the stress of registration and help you create your schedule for next semester:
These Are the Most Toxic College Majors (According to GW Students)
By Megan Krueger Most of us have a list of red flags that we look out for in other people. If we’re being honest, we all have our own personal red flags that we like to warn others about, too. But have you ever wondered if your college major is one of them? Well, I…
Essential Self-Care for Finals Week
By Megan Krueger The end of the semester is finally upon us, and let’s be honest—no one is prioritizing their health right now. But in this season of stressing over upcoming exams and praying that you’ve achieved a passing grade on your final papers, there has never been a more important time to prioritize your…
The Epidemic of Malnutrition in College Students
By Kendal Furman (Assistant Editor-in-Chief) As college students, it’s perfectly acceptable to reach for the occasional packet of ramen or to pick up a second (or even third) cup of coffee on the way to class. However, when students begin to turn to nutritionally deficient foods on a daily basis, poor eating habits can easily…
Stressed with Midterms? Try Music For Your Stress!
By Sam Danzig With midterms quite literally upon us, it is vitally important that students have some way of managing their time, stress, and the endless number of assignments that they seem to have. It can be overwhelming to commit to long study sessions with few breaks, but what’s something that can calm me down…
Gender Inequality Reversed–A Deep Dive Into The College Gender Gap
By Kendal Furman, Academic EIC WHAT IS THE COLLEGE GENDER GAP? Efforts to expand access to higher education for women began in the 19th century with the 1839 opening of Wesleyan College in Georgia. This revolutionary institution served as the first women’s college in the world, as well as the first college in America that…
Checking in with our correspondent abroad!
By Grace Eberts, EIC It’s been about a month and half since we last heard from Gen, our GW Local correspondent abroad in Madrid. She has been busy soaking up her experiences and making the most of her time in Spain. Traveling Since we last talked, she has visited Amsterdam and Valencia for weekend adventures.…
Stop Pushing Off Sleep
By: Claire Leibowitz, Lifestyle Editor-in-Chief Sleep is always the first thing cut from an overbooked schedule – it’s seen as dispensable. Why has this become normalized? A lack of sleep has extreme consequences on the body, both immediate and long term. It’s more productive to straighten out a sleep schedule than stay up finishing an…
Student Org Spotlight: Business Pride Network
By: Grace Eberts (EIC) The Business Pride Network (BPN) is a student organization here at GW focused on building a community at the intersection of LGBTQIA+ issues and the business world. Kate Dressel is a Junior studying Business Analytics and Finance in GWSB and is the president of BPN. You may recognize BPN from their…
Fall Trends Spotted Across Campus
By: Tessa Barbeau As autumn quickly approaches, GW students are beginning to transition from clothing to accommodate hot and humid weather to the comforting styles that accompany brisk, windy weather. As the new season rolls in, so are new trends across campus. Here are some of the top trends spotted around Foggy Bottom. Although the…
Manage Your Time With Tomatoes
By Lucy Gardner Procrastination: my biggest enemy. Since coming to college, learning how to manage my time has been a challenge to say the least. Collegiate-level work is already daunting, but as more assignments are posted and workloads begin to pile up with miscellaneous tasks, it can easily become overwhelming. I used to shut down,…
A Kennedy Center Freebie- The Millennium Stage
By Claire Leibowitz The Millennium Stage at the Kennedy Center sits in the Grand Foyer and offers free shows to appreciate the arts between Wednesdays and Saturdays at 6 pm. The first-come, first-serve shows are packed; viewers fill rows and rows of seats and spill onto the red-carpeted stairs adjacent to the stage. Tickets can…
Random Elective Roundup
By Caroline Dehn, AEIC As someone who has changed their major maybe one too many times, I am an advocate for taking elective classes outside of your field of study to broaden your horizons and maybe find a new passion along the way. For STEM majors, I highly recommend taking a random liberal arts course,…
Your Inside Look to GW Abroad
By Grace Eberts (Editor in Chief) Are you thinking about going abroad during your time at GW? While many students expect to go abroad during their time in college, it can be hard to know if it is the right decision for you. Whether this is because of finances, academic credit, or just the fear…
Fascinating Holiday Traditions from Around the World
Source: By Kendal Furman I don’t know about you, but I take a great deal of pride in celebrating the holiday traditions that I grew up with. I’ve found that these wintery customs have helped me get more in touch with my culture, while also having loads of fun bonding with my loved ones!…
How to get what you want from GW: Personalizing your experience
By Sophia Sasson I recently petitioned the psychology department to add an elective course from a different department to my major. Let me start off by saying it was not an easy process. Though eventually successful, when I started the process over the summer my CCAS advisor discouraged me from even trying. They had seen…
GW Org Spotlight: Hurdle Health
Source: By Krista Minas GW is home to many organizations on campus, and another amazing one has just been added: Hurdle Health. The GW Local has the inside scoop from Chief of Staff of Hurdle Health, Anam Zahra, on what the organization does, its goals, the impact its founders hope to make on the…
@GW_Affirmations Brings Laughter To The Community
By Caroline Dehn If there’s one thing every GW student can relate to, it’s the feeling that sometimes all you can do is laugh through the tough times. Often, it feels like something new and more wild happens each week. As a way to bring smiles and laughs to the GW community, an account on…
Mid-Semester Fatigue Getting You Down? Here are 5 Ways to Stay Organized During Midterms
By Evelynn Schoenthal For half of the current students on campus, this is their first semester in-person. Despite frequent changes and an unpredictable world, college students have persevered and adapted. However, students have forgotten how to learn, study, and take exams in person over the past year and a half. (P.S. I know I constantly…
Passing a Class (When You’re Underprepared)
By Alexandra Savage It’s the first day of class, and you’re walking towards a lecture that you’re a little unsure about. Maybe you’ve heard the class is difficult, or the professor is a harsh grader. Perhaps you simply don’t understand the subject material. Either way, you walk into the lecture hall and it seems like…
Thoughts from the Class of 2021 on GW’s Virtual Commencement
By Caroline Dehn, EIC Academics On March 11, the GW administration released a statement declaring that the 2021 commencement ceremony will be virtual again this year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the university faculty came to the conclusion that an in-person graduation would be unsafe for the students and staff involved. Though this decision was…
GW Freshmen and How They’re Tackling Finals
By Evelynn Schoenthal The past year uprooted everyone’s lives and drastically changed ways of life due to COVID-19. From wearing masks wherever you go, to staying inside, to working and learning from home everyone has had to acclimate to an extent. However, the impact this pandemic has had on the class of 2024 specifically has…
Students Reflect On Navigating College Online
By Allie Cohen From Thailand to Georgia to D.C. students are beginning to wrap up another online semester. While some students have moved to D.C. and across the DMV area to gain some sense of normalcy, others remain at home – some of whom are halfway across the country or world. Equally as scattered as…
Org Spotlight: Active Minds GW
By Grace Eberts This semester marked the launch of an Active Minds Chapter at George Washington University. Previously known as GW HERO, there was a need for a revamping and rebuilding of the mental health student organization at GW. Active Minds GW emerged as an opportunity to draw on the larger resources of a national…
New Org Spotlight: Un-PAC
By Alex Teerlinck Earlier this month, H.R. 1 was brought to the House Floor. Seeking to expand voter participation, reduce the influence of big money in politics, and implement long-term anti-corruption measures, the reform measure would counter GOP efforts of voter disenfranchisement. Voting rights and a democracy free of big money influence are essential to…
Kamala Harris: Redefining Normalcy As Vice President
By Kaleigh Werner, EIC Lifestyle Photo courtesy of A panel of Black women in journalism discussed how Vice President Kamala Harris’ race and gender is being singled out as the primary topic of discussion surrounding her in her new role. The four journalists spoke on Wednesday, February 24th at 7 p.m. EST at the…
Charles Aborisade Runs for GW SA Presidency
By Caroline Dehn, EIC Academics Disclaimer: The GW Local does not endorse candidates, but rather gives them a platform to share their beliefs Charles Aborisade is a junior at GW and the current Student Association Finance Chair. Along with being a member of the Student Association, Aborisade is a member of the GW chapter of…
The Fight for Diversity and Inclusion: Professor Perspective
Seriously… why do we have to fight for this sh*t? By Parisa Akbarpour This semester, I’m taking an anthropology course called Language in Culture and Society, which is taught by Professor Alexander Dent. Prior to the first day of class, our homework was to listen to Toni Morrison’s award speech in 1993 for the Nobel…
Professor Spotlight: Shaina Ward & The Media Law Class You Didn’t Know You Needed
Have you ever thought about the laws that govern some major politicians’ online statements? Or the words and footage used by some of the largest corporations? How about the laws that govern commercial speech towards consumers? Or the practices in which journalists gather information? As we live in a media and technology driven time, so…
A Professor Who Does it All: Jesse Holland
By Carly Novell, EIC News Professor Jesse Holland last visited campus during his final interviews in February of 2020. In his second semester at GW teaching from his basement, Holland anticipates an eventual return to the traditional classroom environment for his Advanced News Writing classes. After over 20 years in the journalism field and four…
The Class of 2021 In Their Words
By Davis Burton Man plans and God laughs… And so it went for the Class of 2021, currently set to graduate in the midst of an era that will be remembered as the most tumultuous in generations. To state the obvious: the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in the early weeks of 2020 marked the…
The GWL 2020 Finals Guide
By Caroline Dehn, EIC Academics My fellow GW students, finals are here. Back to pulling all-nighters, chugging Starbucks lattes and cramming a semester’s worth of information into our brains in hopes of finishing the semester off strong. Though finals can be a stressful and emotionally draining time, we are here to help guide you through…
Fresh Face: Skincare Steps For Beginners
By Kaleigh Werner, EIC Lifestyle During the dead of winter it becomes really hard to feel good about yourself. You’re cold all the time, everything is dreary, the sun peers out for a total of 2.5 seconds, there’s no shot of getting a little less pale, and worst of all your face is breaking out.…
Org Spotlight: Left Middle Right
By Alex Teerlinck Although the election seems like it was ages ago, the polarization and division of American politics is not going away anytime soon. GW students are strong and confident in the world that they want to see, and sometimes conversations with our peers can feel like talking to a brick wall. While there…
Student Reactions To The New Pass/No Pass Policy
By Kaleigh Werner, EIC Lifestyle From the ongoing nightmare of classes transitioning to online platforms, effects are continuing to linger. Whether it be a pandemic, a monumental election, or the new GW pass/fail policy, we students continue to be bombarded with outstanding circumstances that have been taking away from our usual focus on school. When…
Change on Campus? Updates to the Special Committee on the Marvin Center Name
By Caroline Dehn, EIC Academics Image Courtesy of GW Today Since 2018, the colonial mascot as well as the naming of the Marvin Center have been brought to attention by the student body concerning their symbolism for colonialism and racism. The GW Board of Trustees recently confirmed a “framework of principles, procedures and considerations for…
Org Spotlight: Sunrise GW
By Alex Teerlinck Image Credit: Kariann Tan (Sunrise GW photographer) Staying connected with GW during a virtual semester is undeniably challenging, especially if you’re not in DC. Being together in our nation’s capital makes the GW experience what it is, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned as a student here; it’s that our passion…
Org Spotlight: Timmy Global Health
By Christiana Corporon With the start of a new semester comes new opportunities, new ideas, and of course, new orgs! With 400 student orgs and counting on campus, GW has something to offer for every student. In the midst of a global pandemic as well as a time of exceeding racial unrest, public health organizations…
Conversation with Professor Kip Lornell: Implications of Jessica Krug Incident
By Parisa Akbarpour Professor Christopher (Kip) Lornell has had an interest in African American music since high school. He began writing articles about blues musicians who ended up in his hometown of Albany, NY as a result of the Great Migration. He came to complete an undergraduate and masters degree in folklore and later a…
Embracing the Change: How to be Ok With a Virtual Semester
By Alex Teerlinck Many of you, like myself, probably took the news of GW going all online pretty hard. Ever since it was announced on July 27th, the day my private Snapchat story was spammed with complaints, I’ve been passing through a grief cycle — feeling fine one day and incredibly frustrated and helpless the…
The Online Class of 2024
By Caroline Dehn, EIC of Academics Just like politicians and mainstream media outlets say, we are living in unprecedented times—with the coronavirus pandemic, a new movement for racial equity, and climate emergencies igniting uncertainty across the world. As a result, us college students have a lot on our plates without a blueprint guiding us in…
Student Org Spotlight: CampaignGW
By Alex Teerlinck With everything gone virtual in the past few weeks, it’s important to remember what we were doing and what we were really passionate about at GW before quarantine. You should still feel encouraged to participate in your student orgs- oftentimes, you can make a difference from your couch (or wherever it is…
Everything I’ve Been Cooking During Quarantine: Part 2
By Maya Konings Hi everyone. I’m still here; still quarantined, and still cooking. As my state’s stay at home order extends on and my stress levels are exponentially building, spending time in the kitchen has been even more important for me as of late. My family has all been craving dishes that are hearty, comforting,…
Turning Conviction Into Action: GW Students Take Political Passions Off Campus
By Davis Burton As the 2020 General Elections begin to heat up, students at GW have a unique opportunity to turn their political convictions into meaningful action. GW, like many schools in the D.C.area, is known for its politically active student body. There is a high concentration of students studying Political Science, International Affairs and…
Org Spotlight: She’s the First
By Krista Minas Students at GW are lucky to have the opportunity to involve themselves in a variety of organizations on campus. In fact, GW has over 500 registered student orgs that they can choose from. One of these amazing organizations is “She’s the First,” an organization that focuses on the belief that all women…
Unplugging and Unwinding: How to Limit Quarantine Screen Time
By Alex Teerlinck In case you haven’t heard, we’re in the midst of a global pandemic. This is certainly an unprecedented time in our lives and it’s ok to feel confused, upset, and lost. While social distancing, one thing I’ve been struggling with is putting down electronics. Not just my phone, not just the news.…
Meet The Org: Best Buddies
By Carly Novell After growing up involved with the disabled community in her hometown, sophomore Alyssa Markopoulos felt there weren’t enough opportunities to connect at her university. When she began attending GW, she participated in a Best Buddies event and loved it, but the club didn’t stay active throughout the rest of the year. In…
Student Spotlight: Ashwath Narayanan, The Student CEO
By Tori Mandato Not many undergraduate students can say they’re the CEO and founder of a communications company. Ashwath Narayanan is an exception. Narayanan, though born in the US, lived in Southern India before coming to George Washington University to pursue politics and non-profit work. Here, the idea for Culture Media Co. was born. Culture…
Real Talk: College Burnout
By Alex Teerlinck Consider this the follow up to my midterm article – the season is now well upon us but just about everyone I’ve talked to is struggling to finish these ~demanding~ few weeks. Spring break is the light at the end of the tunnel, but it seems like we’ll never get there. I…
Reclaiming Our Renaissance: GW’s Black History Celebration
By Lauren Ofman, EIC 2020 marks the centennial anniversary of the Harlem Renaissance, a movement celebrating black culture – art, literature, and politics – that surged through New York City in the 1920’s. The anniversary’s intersection with Black History Month inspired sophomores Desi Warren and Bishop Walton, as well as the rest of their team,…
Student Org Spotlight: GW Alternative Breaks
By Alex Teerlinck This past winter, I went on a trip to Florida with the GW Alternative Breaks program to learn about food justice and farm worker rights. I won’t ramble on about the trip itself- it was both fun and educational, but the main focus of this article is Alt Breaks itself. As GW…
Do’s and Don’ts: Midterm Edition
By Alex Teerlinck The confusing and seemingly never-ending midterm season is upon us, and for a lot of us, it’s really stressful. Grinding out papers, studying for tests, keeping up with extracurriculars, and trying to get sleep all at the same time is enough to make anyone’s head spin. As someone who’s pretty much in…
Ask The Locals: How To Get Out Of A Rut
By Catherine Feisthamel With the craziness of the new semester starting to wind down, it’s easier to adopt a routine. Having a routine helps keep you organized and on track. However, sometimes, always sticking to your schedule can make everyday start to feel the same; a dull cycle. Like most college kids, it’s hard to…
A Guide for Friday’s Democratic Debate
By Daniel Okay Photo from NBC News The eighth Democratic debate, following the Iowa Caucuses (Feb. 3) and preceding the New Hampshire primary (Feb. 11) marks the first of three debates being held in February. Each debate marks the first three states voting during the primary season—Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. February 7th Debate Candidate…
Professor Spotlight: Alison Schafer, The Woman, The Myth, The LEGEND!
By Kaleigh Werner, EIC Academics I just want to take a minute to hype up not only this incredible educator, but the class that she teaches – Introduction to News Writing and Reporting! Imagine getting to class, sitting down, pulling out your laptop or your notebook (if you really like to pay attention), and then…
Ask The Locals: How To Deal With Messy Roommates
By Catherine Feisthamel Your dorm room is supposed to feel like home– no one should have to deal with the tension messy roommates bring to the room. While messy roommates make us want to yell and curse them out for not picking up after themselves, it’s important to approach the situation in a conscientious way…
Meet The Org: One For The World
By Tori Mandato Our campus is full of charitable organizations that students can get involved with. As current college students, it seems impossible for us to donate at this point in our lives. We have expenses and loans, which makes giving to charity not something the average student can budget for. I interviewed members of…
Battling the Elements: Combating Seasonal Affective Disorder
By Daniel Okay Short days, and frigid nights are ordinary parts of the winter, but as the season progresses, some students may especially struggle with their responsibilities—academic and otherwise. Seasonal Affective Disorder, commonly referred to as SAD (a fitting acronym), can be characterized as a mood disorder brought upon by seasonal changes in daylight. While…
How to *Realistically* Prioritize Your Mental Health This Semester
By Sophia Sasson Now that we are in a new decade, let’s take a moment to reflect on our mental health. Are we happy with how we handled last semester: grades, friendships, extra-curricular activities, relaxation, and self care? If not, how do we fix this? Here are 5+ ways to ensure a fantastic semester and…
Where To Study When Gelman Is Out of Space
By Brandon Wallace, EIC News With finals season upon us, studying in Gelman, as most of you know, isn’t exactly an easy task. Between evening reservations being booked days in advance and common spaces crammed with students trying to study, sometimes some other options are needed. In and around campus there’s a multitude of hot…
Student Spotlight: J Xu, The Man Behind GW Thrift
By Lauren Ofman, EIC J Xu was 16 years old when he walked into a thrift store with a 10 dollar bill and left with a Thomas Pink button–down shirt. When he got home, he looked up the price and learned that the shirt retailed for over $200.00. Now, he is the founder and CEO…
How Do I Declare My Major and Minor for CCAS? Well, Let Me Tell You My Experience.
By Kaleigh Werner, EIC Academics Last Wednesday started off like any other day, with the hopes of actually completing at least some of the things I needed to get done. Maybe it was the nice cold (actually ice cold) air blowing in my face on the way to my 9:35 class, but I was determined…
Student Spotlight: Larry Bialek, The 18-Year-Old Campaign Manager
By Bella DiRussa Lawrence Bialek, a sophomore planning to major in Business, Economics, and Public Policy, inspires peers as he is managing campaigns and paving the path to his political future. It seems as though it would be impossible to hold the position of ‘Campaign Manager’ for a Congressional Candidate, at the young age of…
Student Spotlight: Cate Twining-Ward, The Next Jane Goodall
By: Lauren Ofman, EIC Despite her upbringing as a Brooklyn city girl, Cate Twining-Ward has an undeniable connection to nature. She’s only a sophomore, but she has traveled to more countries than you can imagine. Last spring, Cate got the opportunity to travel to Sierra Leone, a country in West Africa to be a Photography…
Course Registration Tips
Registration for Spring 2020 classes starts next week! Check out to see when your registration date is. Here are a few little tips to ease the stress of registration and help you create your schedule for next semester: