Tag: football
Quick Guide to the Super Bowl
By Redzuan Bin Mohamed Raffe The Super Bowl is upon us – a fantastic American tradition where only American teams compete to determine the world champion in a sport in which they only play. Even with its American dominated audience, the most recent Superbowl had 167 Million viewers (and it wasn’t even the most watched…
Watching the Super Bowl when you don’t Understand Football
By Alexandra Savage On Sunday, February 12th, the Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles will compete in Super Bowl LVII. Some people view this event as a big deal. They will host parties, cook dinners, and celebrate with their friends. For the rest of us, the Super Bowl is just another day. Personally, I have…
What It’s Like to Be a Rabid Eagles Fan
By Jon Kay My name is Jon Kay, and I am many things. I am an American; born and raised. I am a New Jerseyan; raised after birth. I am Jew-ish and a college student and a very video game enthusiast, and a contributor to the greatest blog to ever grace this bountiful sphere (the…