Category: Opinion

  • Kogan Culture

    By Zac Bestwick You’re walking through Kogan Plaza on your way to class. You look ahead  and see a student org table set up for fundraising. Wanting to make the most of their efforts, the students at the table are calling out to others as they walk by, making a personal appeal to students that…

  • Stop the Peeps Madness

    By Alexandra Savage I will be the first to admit that, on occasion, I have enjoyed a Peeps Marshmallow. My favorite ones are the classic yellow chicks, as seen in this picture from the official Peeps website.  In my humble opinion, the above design cannot be improved upon. They have cute little eyes, but they’re…

  • Mass Shootings – How Have They Affected Students?

    TRIGGER WARNING: Discussion of gun violence By Stuti Rao On November 13, 2022, students at the University of Virginia suffered a heartbreaking calamity at the hands of gun violence. Just three months after the tragedy at UVA, on February 13, 2023, students at Michigan State University suffered a similar experience, some of whom also witnessed…

  • The Perfect Tostito Chip for Every Situation

    By Alexandra Savage I don’t mess around when it comes to Tostito chips. In fact, I consider myself somewhat of a connoisseur. An unofficial brand ambassador, if you will. There is no snack that brings people together quite like a bag of Tostitos. However, which Tostito chip is the best? How do you know which…

  • Prince Harry’s Memoir: Why the Media’s Verdict was in even before they had read it

    By Rhyan Chastanet Prince Harry’s memoir “Spare” (2023), which quickly became the fastest-selling work of nonfiction in history, sparked outrage in the press over his alleged ‘betrayal’ of the British Royal family.  This comes as no surprise. From the moment of his birth, Harry became an object of intense fascination and scrutiny to the world,…

  • Should Governments Regulate How Much Clothes We Purchase?

    By Allie Cohen, EIC, News/Opinion The fashion industry has come under major scrutiny for causing significant environmental damage. Specifically, “more than 8 percent of global greenhouse-gas emissions are produced by the apparel and footwear industries,” according to a report by McKinsey and Qantis. Additionally, “around 20 to 25 percent of globally produced chemical compounds are utilized in the…

  • Mourning the “GW Hippos”

    By Christopher Giang This school’s identity crisis is finally coming to a close—but it won’t be ending in the way I expected. Submission ideas for GW’s new moniker recently ended on January 31, as part of the university’s effort to retire the “Colonials.” Starting fresh was an easy and popular decision—I and many others in…

  • What It’s Like to Be a Rabid Eagles Fan

    By Jon Kay My name is Jon Kay, and I am many things. I am an American; born and raised. I am a New Jerseyan; raised after birth. I am Jew-ish and a college student and a very video game enthusiast, and a contributor to the greatest blog to ever grace this bountiful sphere (the…

  • My Mind & Me Reminds People to Practice Self-Care

    By Lucy Gardner TW: This article talks about mental health, Bipolar I Disorder, and hospitalization. The start of daylight savings marks the start of seasonal depression, as well as the beginning of finals season. This stressful period stretching from the end of November to mid-December consists of all-nighters at Gelman, an increase in class attendance,…

  • A Treatise on GW Laundry

    By Jonathan Kay Dear Reader, I would like to confide in you about something that has irked me to the very depths of my soul. Now in general, I don’t dedicate strong negative emotions to things in my life. The only part of this bountiful planet I truly despise is the Dallas Cowboys, but a…