By Alexandra Savage
November’s finally here, which means fluffy sweaters, pumpkin-scented everything, and mugs of tea on a chilly morning. While tea may appear an uncomplicated drink on the surface, the cluster of leaves represents something much greater. Before you start to boil water for your next adventure into the world of tea, consider reading this guide to learn the meaning behind each type.
According to Teabloom, white tea is the best choice for an early morning drink. This flavor is known for not being too strong. Sencha Tea Bar explains that white tea is minimally processed with a light, subtle aroma. Unlike other teas, white tea does not have a high level of caffeine. This makes the flavor perfect for a light treat before breakfast!
Black tea is a particularly popular choice in the United States. Pique Tea reports that black tea made up 84% of all tea consumed in 2018. Sencha explains that a complex system is required to produce black tea, as opposed to other tea types. Black tea has a bold flavor that may remind some of coffee. Anybody who is trying to cut down on the amount of coffee that they drink can consider drinking black tea as an alternative. Teabloom suggests drinking black tea with lunch, since the strong flavor won’t be overpowered by the taste of the food.
In the evening, Teabloom recommends a cup of oolong tea. Even though oolong tea is not as well known as its robust counterparts, it’s full of antioxidants. Oolong tea comes in a wide variety of flavors and colors, which depend on the amount of oxidation the leaves have undergone. This tea type is said to be similar to lattes due to its smooth and creamy nature.
These three types of tea are great options for both beginners and tea experts. The next time you’re running to class on a cold morning, try taking a thermos of tea with you. Not only will it warm you up, but it will provide a unique flavor to keep you awake throughout the day.